Congo River is the largest river in central and western Africa, ranked second in all non-drainage area of 3.7 million square kilometers. Total length of 4700 km Congo River (in Him as the source of Zambezi), after this length of the Nile in Africa. In terms of volume, after the Amazon River, Congo River is the world's second largest river, the largest flow was 80,000 cubic meters per second. River flows through Zambia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of Congo and Angola. Congo River Basin is the world's second largest tropical rainforest region, second only to South America's Amazon rainforest. Democratic Republic of Congo and Republic of Congo are the name of the Congo River. 1971-1997 period, the Democratic Republic of the Congo called Zaire, when the government said the River Zaire River.
Congo River pictures-Congo River scenery-Congo River photos
Congo River picture-Congo River scenery,Congo River Sunset
Congo River scenery-Congo River photo, the boats on Congo River

Congo River picture-beautiful Congo River area scenery ,mountain area of the Congo
Congo River scenery -beautiful Congo River plants and blue water
Congo River photo- Congo River area animal, Cercocebus-Congo River scenery
Congo River - OverviewCongo River, also known as Zaire River. Congo River is Africa's second longest river. Congo River is located in West Africa. Congo River, Zaire River originates upstream lua Hyderabad Sabah plateau, the farthest source in Zambia, called Qian Zambezi. Falls out of Boyue Ma until after the North said the Congo River. River flows into the Congo Basin, the river curved across the Democratic Republic of the Congo along the Congo border into the Atlantic. Total length of 4700 km, basin area of about 370 square kilometers. As the flow through the equator, access to abundant precipitation in northern and southern hemispheres alternate supply, with water, big and small changes in the hydrological characteristics of the year, the average annual flow of River 41,000 cubic meters per second, maximum flow of 80,000 cubic meters per second. If the flow rate divided by the Congo River flows behind the Amazon, the world's second largest river. Into deeper liman estuary, river channel bottom extending to the Atlantic Ocean 150 km outside the mouth to form a vast freshwater ocean. Tributaries and more rapids, waterfalls and rapids, and waterfalls in the middle Boyue Ma Livingston downstream group of the most famous waterfall.Congo River Basin includes nearly all the territory of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo and Central African Republic most, eastern Zambia, northern Angola and Cameroon and Tanzania, part of the territory. In this vast valley, a tributary of dense, Vice River tributaries and the river is divided into many braided to form a fan-shaped river network. These rivers from the surrounding elevation 270-460 m on the slopes of a convergent flow into a central depression, the depression is the largest basin on the planet - the Congo Basin. Congo River main tributaries are the Ubangi River, boast River and Sanga River. Congo River from the source to the estuary at the upper and under very different in the three sections. Characterized by multiple upstream confluence, lakes, waterfalls and rapids; River Falls composed of seven waterfalls, known as Bo Yuema (formerly Stanley) Falls; downstream divided into two branches, forming a vast lake, known as the horse Lebo Lake. Africa's Congo Basin with hot and humid climate, the most vast, most dense equatorial rain forest. The Congo River has year-round water supply, flow evenly balanced. Dense evergreen forests and by the equatorial climate important influence as vast Congo River Basin. Outside the forest area is savanna belt. Congo River in a variety of fish and crocodiles. Congo River Falls, the following can be partially self-Bo Yuema navigable, with many tributaries, constitute the total length of 16,000 km of waterways navigation system, to promote the economic development of inland plays an important role. Congo River basin water reserves of the world known one-sixth of water resources, but how much has yet to be developed. Kinshasa, the following has a large water-control because of the increase.Congo River in Africa and the world famous rivers, from the northern plateau northeast of Zambia Chambishi (Chambeshi) River, and finally into the Atlantic. Multiple tributaries from the left bank of Angola, Zambia; right bank tributary of the multiple from Cameroon, Central Africa, River flows through Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo and Republic of Congo. Congo River length 4640km, the drainage area of about 370 km2, of which 60% of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the remaining area is located in the Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Central Africa, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia and Angola. River average annual flow 39000m3 / s, annual runoff of 1.3026 trillion m3, annual runoff 342mm. Its drainage area and flow tops Africa's first in the world, second only to South America in the Amazon river, in second place. Second only to the Nile in Africa, its length, and flow rate 16 times larger than the Nile.The upper reaches of the Congo River in Zambia is located in the Great Rift Valley highlands of the mountains, the source said Qian Zambezi, said after over Lake Mweru Luapula River, north and Lake Tanganyika originated in Hyderabad lua River confluence, After a near Kisangani, later known as Stanley Falls, Congo River, off the west flow into the middle. Upstream region of lakes and swamps. Into the middle, the Congo River and gradually changed to southwest, to accept a number of tributaries, and finally merged with the Ubangi River into Stanley Lake, across the lake is relatively Kinshasa and Brazzaville. Kinshasa the following into the downstream. Downstream of the Congo River cut through the crystal Mountains, the river narrows, more canyons, rapids and waterfalls, through Matadi and Boma, in the Mu Anda town side into the sea.
Congo River - landscapeCongo River Congo River Basin is located in the equatorial regions of Africa, the Congo Basin known, was typical of the basin-shaped, pelvic floor elevation of 300-500m, around the 500-1500m altitude and the mountain. Plateau between the mountains and pelvic floor many steep slopes and cliffs, the river formed a series of waterfalls in these lots. For example, the Congo River Kongolo, Kindu, a group of waterfalls and Bo Yuema waterfall; downstream Livingstone waterfalls.North from the Sahara desert, south, west Atlantic and east of the lake as the boundary with the East African variety of different geographic depressions, the Congo River Basin of the most distinctive. The fan-shaped basin in tributaries downstream to the network along the concentric aspect, the slope is surrounded by a central depression. River Basin itself is 1,900 km long north-south (1,200 miles) above the Atlantic east to west from the Congo, the Nile watershed have the same distance.
Central part of the Congo Basin is a large depression, have a thick Quaternary alluvial deposits cover the continent in the original sediments, mainly sand and sandstone. Congo River system from its source to the estuary has three different parts ︰ upper Congo, middle Congo and Congo downstream.
Kisangani (formerly Stanleyville Stanley Virgin []) just downstream of the waterfall at Boyue Ma (which is a series of seven Great Falls of the general), marking the navigable Congo River the real starting point. This river flows through the middle part of the smooth 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) from Kinshasa into the rest about 35 kilometers (22 miles) respectively. Narrow river at first, but soon it wide, then there are many islands at the middle. And from this forward, with very few outside of the narrow part of the Congo river into several channels, in clusters across the island. From Isangi (Isangi, Luo Mami [Lomami] into the Congo River at) downstream 5.5 km (3.5 miles) wide to increase to 8 to 11 kilometers (5-7 miles) wide - sometimes, for example, Moungara ( Mongala) estuary on to 13 km (8 miles). The middle of the Congo River is a river terminal section of said channel or narrow corridors. Between the two sides does not exceed 0.8 to 1.6 km (0.5 to 1 mile), deepened the riverbed, the water will speed up, through a deep valley about a few hundred yards of the stream Rubataikai plateau (BatekePlateau) of the soft sandstone bedrock. Center along this river, the Congo River to accept the major tributaries, mainly the right bank of the Ubangi River, and Sangha (Sangha) and the left bank of the river Kwacha (Kwa) River. Significant increase in average flow Subsequently, when the flow Rujinxiasha almost nearly its maximum flow.
Leaving the watercourse is divided into two tributaries of the Congo River to form Malai Bo Lake, middle reaches of the lake marks the end of the Congo River. Following the last paragraph of the river immediately downstream of the first waterfall. Falls and rapids form two series, the relatively calm center of the river are separated. The mouth of the Congo began in Matadi, which is downstream of rapids, ending the Congo River ︰ inland estuary length 134 km (83 miles), the formation of Angola and Congo (Kinshasa) border line. Estuary began to narrow, in the deepest river to 24 meters (80 feet), but in the downstream Boma (Boma) at the width gradually. Here, the river was blocked by the island, divided into several parts, deep in some places not more than 7.6 meters (25 feet), which is necessary to carry out dredging for ocean-going vessels arrived Dama Tadi. In the estuary, the Congo as a deep canyon waterways continue to extend offshore about 200 km (125 miles).
Congo River - climate and hydrological
Death of the Congo River Congo River Tour River average annual rainfall of about 1300mm, the average annual runoff of about 200mm, in the whole basin is less water area. Middle reaches of the humid climate, annual rainfall 1500-2000mm, annual runoff of about 500mm, basin center annual runoff of up to 1000mm, the more water the whole basin area. Congo River have a more normal flow, the annual supply of rain. In Brazzaville and Kinshasa, the river's hydrology is characterized by year-end change in the main peak, secondary peak in May, July, compared with a large trough, March and April was second low. In fact, the Congo River hydrological changes represent the extension of 20 ° latitude and the equator, about 2,250 kilometers (1,400 miles) distance to the climate. Congo Basin was not a single major weather situation can disrupt the slow movement of water up Mizuochi. However, there may be fluctuations in the annual dramatic changes, while under normal circumstances, when the arrival of each of the different tributaries of the flood arrived, the river would surge.
The humidity has been high throughout the year, the annual rainfall of 1,700 mm (67 inches), and rainfall quite regular time; even in the driest month rainfall total there are 75 mm (3 inches). High temperature all year round, there is little change daily. Average temperature of 24 ℃ (76 ℉).
The most northern basin that annual rainfall in the Central African Republic is 200 to 400 mm (8 to 16 inches), than those less near the equator of the Department; but the dry season lasts four to five months, only once a year rainfall peak, which in the summer. The most southern basin, in Saba (Shaba) region, the dry season and wet season is almost equal to the length of time, the annual rainfall is about 125 mm (49 inches).
Congo River - water resources
Congo River Congo River and its tributaries form the most dense waterway network in Africa, with plenty of water, is Africa's most resource-rich river water, the whole valley has 43 waterfalls and hundreds of rapids and rapids, the theoretical reserves of hydropower up to 390 million kw, ranking first in the world's rivers, installed capacity of hydropower resources can be developed about 156 million kW, 964 billion annual power output kW · h.
Congo River water resources are mainly concentrated in the upstream and downstream. Upstream section of the water reserves of Kisangani waterfall 120-220 million kW. In the 100km-long river, the distribution of seven or water, the total drop over 60m, is to build large hydropower dam good. The downstream segment (Kinshasa to the estuary) crystalline rocks of the river through the highlands, the river is narrow, fast-flowing in Kinshasa to Matadi on the river more than 200 kilometers between the 32 waterfalls and rapids, the total drop 280m, which Livingstone is the world's rare waterfalls, the highest concentration of African water resources of the lot, all developed, can be installed capacity of 40 million kW, is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the key development areas.
Many tributaries of the Congo River is also rich in water resources, for example, start rapids on the river Loire and Kanpei within Cady rapids, Tanga on the Ubangi river rapids, the death of the Mengbotuta Luapula River Falls and Johnston waterfalls. However, due to its location in remote areas, has not yet been exploited.
Congo River - plants and animals
Congo River Congo River basin to a considerable part of the region dominated by the equatorial climate, the same vast evergreen forests. No matter which side of the forest with adjacent savanna belt. Forests and grasslands is often difficult to detect tell, they are mixed together in mosaic mode; relatively rare invasive forest steppe.
When the Congo River Congo through the dense forest, the edge of it and its tributaries are intermittent and more grass strip to. Barnyard, papyrus and sedges such as abandoned pastures occupy the river, river bank, or in the woods outside the curtain, covered with the hollow center of the island; they even drilled from sandstone, or grown in the fat was washed downstream end of the island.
Congo River, there are many species of fish living in which there are only 230 Malai Bo lake. River swamp in the lung fish life, but at low levels often kill. Wooded swamp was a black color, black catfish on here was this color. Parallel to the river and its wetlands and wildlife and the river itself, wild animals are not to be confused.
Congo River in a wide variety of reptiles, of which the crocodile is the most significant species. The river is also semi-aquatic turtle, and several snakes.
More than 265 kinds of the Congo region can be described as typical of equatorial forest birds. Seabirds such as petrels, flying from the upper reaches of the ocean. Migratory birds come from Europe, flying in this area. Ducks are also found in Egypt. Whether ducks, egrets and pelicans are many.
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