Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ganges River

Ganges River-About Ganges River:

Ganges river: Located in northern India, the Ganges is a major river in South Asia. The source of the Ganges River and the Arak Maserati Buggy originated in India, South River, North Aquin Nadu root kotri other glaciers, which across the northern plains of India (ie, the Ganges plain), flows through Uttar Pradesh, the largest tributary to join the sub-Muna River, then flows through the state of Bihar, West Bengal, and finally it is divided into a number of tributaries into the Bay of Bengal through Gangetic plains of the Ganges, which is the center of Hindustan region, also from the 3rd century BC Ashoka the establishment of the Kingdom to the 16th century until the Mogul Empire, a series of children the cradle of civilization.

                            Ganges River pictures- Ganges river scenery-Ganges River photos

                             Ganges River picture-Ganges river scenery,the boats and people

                             Ganges river scenery-Ganges river and the city-India Landscape

                             Ganges river of India -Ganges river scenery-"holy river" picture

Ganges river- Introduction
Ganges river is the Indian people known as the "holy river" and "India's mother." Many myths and religious legends constitute the unique customs cross the Ganges.

Ganges (English: genges, India said: genga). The holy river Ganges in India, history, folklore and culture with a strong color, even after years of civilization baptism, people on both sides of the Ganges ancient customs are still maintained . Many ancient myths spread, so the people of India from the Ganges mother gave birth to an infinite notion, bears an indelible complex. The students in bathing in the Ganges at least once, so holy river washed the sins of all lifetimes.

In India, most Hindus cherish for life four fun: respect Shiva, to the Ganges River Ganges to wash and drink holy water, holy water bath, make friends and saints living in Varanasi (Varanasi) the holy city.

Indians as holy Ganges River, the Ganges as the incarnation of the goddess, devoutly revered Ganges, is said to be originated from a legendary story. In ancient times, fast-flowing Ganges, surging, often flooded, destroying farmland and injure the people, there is a King in order to wash away the sins of our ancestors, the request to help tame the sky goddess Ganges, the benefit of mankind. Shiva came to the Himalayas, the spread hair, so raging river flowing from his head slowly, irrigate the fields on both sides, both sides of the residents to live and work. Since then, put the Ganges Hindu worship, worship Lord Shiva and holy water washing bath to become the two major Hindu religious activities.

Ganges  river- Terrain

South of the Himalayas is the Ganges river originates.

The five origins - Bhagirathi river, Alaknanda river, Mandakini River, Dhauliganga River and the Pindar River - all originated in the mountains of northern Uttar Pradesh.

From the Ganges and the Brahmaputra River sediment was pulled sediments, extending into the sea in the form of the delta, an area of ​​about 60,000 square kilometers (23,000 square miles), repeatedly staggered by the clay, sand and mortar composition, and a cycle of overlapping layers of peat, lignite, and who have forest cover woodland.

Surface south of the Ganges Delta, in the near future by the large number of rapid sediment deposition. The east side of Delta waterfront is known as the sandbar as the earth and the formation of new islands rapidly changing. However, the delta coast since the 18th century is not actually changed.

West Bengal region of the river flow is slow; almost no water from these rivers into the sea. In the Bangladesh delta, the river is wide, active, abundant water, and to communicate with numerous Harbour. In the rainy season (June to October), flooding most of the region, a few feet deep, making the construction of artificial booster in the land of villages and homes as floods in the island. Traffic between settlements during the rainy season only by boat.

In the coastal side of the Delta, there is a vast forest and tidal marshes. Forest known as the Sundarbans (Sundarbans), protected by India and Bangladesh.

More about Ganges River
Ganges River- where the continents: Asia
Ganges River- through area: through India, the Bengal Bay of Bengal into the country.
Ganges River - River Basin area: 1.05 million square kilometers
Ganges River - Location: South Asia
Ganges River - Length: 2527 one thousand meters
Ganges River - source: originated in the south western part of the Himalayas.
Ganges River - principal tributaries: Jumna, also known as Yamuna.
Ganges River - average flow: 10900m ³ cubic meters per second
Ganges River - Features species: the Ganges crocodiles, Bengal tigers
Ganges River - water conservancy construction: Sarda Sahayak project, Gankak Engineering

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