Monday, January 2, 2012

Coral Sea-The world's largest sea

Coral Sea information:

What is the world's largest sea?

Coral Sea is the world's largest sea.

Coral Sea area of ​​4,791,000 square kilometers total, the Coral Sea is the world's largest sea. Coral reefs due to a large number of named, to the most famous Great Barrier Reef, the world famous Great Barrier Reef on the distribution in the sea. The same base as the city of Coral Sea, Torres Strait from the south of the Tropic of Capricorn to the far north and south stretches stretching 2400 km from east to west 150 km 2, with a total area of ​​80,000 square kilometers, is the world's largest coral body, most of a hidden underwater reef, only a few top of the exposed surface of the water coral island, is an obstacle in traffic.
Location of the Coral Sea:
Coral Sea in the Pacific Southwest. Located in the Coral Sea east of Australia and New Guinea, New Caledonia and New Hebrides Islands west of the south of the Solomon Islands, north-south length of about 2,250 kilometers (1,400 miles) east-west width of 2,414 km (1,500 miles), an area of ​​4,791,000 square kilometers (1,849,800 square miles). South Tasman Sea, north Solomon Sea, east Pacific, Torres Strait and Arafura Sea W connected.
Coral Sea hydrology:
Coral Sea is bounded by latitude 15 ° north of the anti-cyclonic circulation, 1 to 3 months under the influence of the monsoon, the South Equatorial Current in the Solomon Islands and New Hebrides Islands Coral Sea
Into the Coral Sea between the flow rate is small, only 15 cm / sec; Coral Sea south of the cyclonic circulation, which is part of the South Equatorial Current in the vicinity of latitude 20 ° on the south eastern Australian continental slope flow, the formation of the East Australian Current, the flow rate of up to 25 to 50 cm / sec (see Figure).

Coral sea water can be divided into three groups. Surface water, from the Solomon Islands and New Hebrides Islands into the Coral Sea between the South Equatorial Current brings water of the equatorial form. The average temperature in February is 25 ~ 29 ° C, 8 month 19 ~ 26 ° C. Salinity in winter and summer are between 34.5 ~ 35.5 ‰. 100 to 200 meters below the surface at the emergence of a high-salt layer, salinity great value 35.9 ‰; mid-water, surface water located below the water level, salinity decreases, to reach the minimum of 1000 meters, about to 34.5 ‰. Water temperature of 5 ° C or so, here it is mid-water core. It originated in the vicinity of the Antarctic convergence zone, in between New Zealand and Fiji Islands, at about latitude 25 ° into the sea; deep water, located in the basin area, the core of temperature and salinity characteristic value of about 1.7 ° C and 34.73 ‰ it originated in the North Atlantic deep water. Mainly semidiurnal waves from the Solomon Islands and into the Coral Sea between New Caledonia, Australia and New Zealand in the Tasman Sea to the spread between the main diurnal waves never spread north Tasman Sea. Sea area dominated by irregular semidiurnal tide. Average tidal range, sea area east of the New Hebrides, is 1.3 meters, west of Cairns, up to 4.8 meters.
Coral Sea Great Barrier Reef:
Coral Sea is located in the tropics, the water temperature throughout the year at 18-28 ℃, the wind speed here, the sea calm, clean water, is conducive to coral growth. It is famous for the many coral reefs. Here, lies the world's three largest coral reef, which is the Great Barrier Reef, Ta Gula Reef and New Caledonia Barrier Reef. Great Barrier Reef, the largest, located in northeastern Australia, only 16 kilometers offshore the nearest and most distant of 240 kilometers. Great Barrier Reef like a long belt decumbens there, more than 2,000 kilometers long from east to west at its widest point of 150 kilometers, an area of ​​about 80,000 square kilometers. It is mostly hidden in the underwater reef, a coral island of the sea surface. More than 500 coral islands, dotted with scattered over 900 square kilometers of sea, like a column castle, guarding Australia's northeast coastal defense. Island of lush tropical jungle, lush; next to the silver white sandy beaches, blue sea beach under the outside can see colorful coral reef platform. This sunny, fresh air, clean water, rocky reefs, marine life has become a paradise.
Coral Sea submarine topography generally sloping from west to east, with an average water depth of 2394 m, 3000-4000 m water depth in most places, the most up to 9174 m depth is, therefore, the Coral Sea is one of the world's deepest sea. Latitude 20 ° north of the Coral Sea seabed mainly submarine plateau, the plateau north of the Coral Sea basin. South Solomon trench depth 7,316 meters (24,002 feet), the New Hebrides trench depth of 7,540 meters (25,134 feet). In addition, the Ta Gula northern barrier reef, southeast of New Caledonia Barrier Reef of Australia to eastern Asia, Hong Kong must pass through the eastern route. Subtropical air in groups of sharks, so the Coral Sea, also known as "shark sea."
Coral Sea water very clean, the Coral Sea water salinity and transparency is high, the water dark blue. Around the Coral Sea into the little river, which is the Coral Sea water pollution one of the reasons. And warm due to the impact of the continental shelf zone temperature increased, the Coral Sea is located near the equator, so it's the water temperature is also high, year round water temperature is above 20 ℃, the hottest month of even more than 28 ℃. These are conducive to coral growth. Coral reef in the northeastern coast of Australia in the 16 ~ 241 km outside the Great Barrier Reef is the largest, up to 2012 km; coral reefs for marine plant and animal life and provides excellent habitat conditions. Coral Sea sharks in the rich, but also producing herring, sea turtles, sea cucumbers, pearl and so on.
Coral Sea Climate:
Coral Sea is a tropical maritime climate. January average temperature of the Coral Sea north of 28 ° C, the southern 26 ~ 27 ° C; north of 22 ~ 26 ° C, the southern 18 ~ 22 ° C; annual temperature little north of 4 ° C, south of 6 ° C. Less precipitation in the Coral Sea, north of about 10 mm in January, in the southern 5-8 mm. Coral Sea in the southern hemisphere trade winds belt, the prevalence of easterly or southeasterly winds, the wind speed in January the entire sea area of about 5 m / s, the north in July, 5-6 m / s, south of 6 to 7 m / sec. Coral relatively calm water, these conditions are very suitable for the growth of corals, the coral will be small and shallow-water beach in the continental shelf growth and reproduction, development of a large number of coral reefs. These reefs generally only slightly above the surface, mottled colors in the clear blue water dotted in, showing a beautiful tropical scenery.

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